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The Response

Dec 16, 2020

"Harm reduction is not just service delivery, it's not just a set of techniques, it's not just a viewpoint of how to engage problematic drug use or sex or whatever have you, it's also part of a social movement that looks for a more just world for drug users, sex workers — that population. So it has a social critique...

Dec 8, 2020

Over the course of producing three seasons of The Response podcast, we’ve explored how natural hazards and other disruptions disproportionately impact marginalized communities at length. 

But one population we haven’t discussed before is people who use drugs. There is still so much stigma associated with using...

Nov 24, 2020

A groundswell of grassroots action emerged in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. At first, hidden beneath the surface, the community-led response grew rapidly in scope and scale; often forming spontaneously by individuals and groups who recognized the immediate needs of those around them.

It’s become such a widespread...

Sep 29, 2020

Unhoused populations are struggling to find enough to eat. Farmers are faced with both surplus produce and lower incomes as they are left without places to sell. Individuals have a renewed desire to plant gardens as they grapple with long grocery lines and rising food prices.

In short, the pandemic is surfacing many of...

Jul 28, 2020

The Response, a podcast series from exploring how communities are building collective resilience in the wake of disasters with host Tom Llewellyn.

One of the biggest challenges to executing an effective response to the pandemic is data. Without enough accurate data, it’s impossible to know exactly...